Every year Parvo infects 20,000 dogs, mostly puppies across Australia
(not to mention the rest of the world, where hundreds of thousands are infected).
Fifty per cent of cases will die, leaving tens of thousands of families heartbroken across our nation.
Here are ten ways that you can help stop this disease, and save puppies lives!
(not to mention the rest of the world, where hundreds of thousands are infected).
Fifty per cent of cases will die, leaving tens of thousands of families heartbroken across our nation.
Here are ten ways that you can help stop this disease, and save puppies lives!
# ONE. Got a dog? Buy them our Premium Beef Treats!
- All our profits help our charity, and help save puppies from Parvo.
- The treats also raise awareness about the issue of Parvo.
- Buy the treats from all leading vet clinics, pet stores, and other pet-services.
- The treats are 100% Australian beef, no preservatives or additives.
- Most importantly, your dog will love you for it.
- The treats also make a great gift for other people’s dogs too!
- For a list of our resellers, check out our resellers and supporters page.
# TWO. Ensure your dog is fully vaccinated against Parvo
- Everyone needs to make sure their dog has had all its Parvo vaccinations.
- (The Parvo vaccination is included when your vet gives a standard vaccination).
- If you are in a Parvo-risk area it’s REALLY important that this gets done and on time.
- For puppies it’s ESPECIALLY important that they get ALL their vaccinations.
- Talk to you vet if you are not sure if your dog is fully vaccinated.
- Make sure all your friends have had their dogs fully protected too.
# THREE. Subscribe to our monthly Paw Prints
- Stay in the loop on our progress, by subscribing to our e-newsletter.
- Hear and share with others, our progress in our bold project to stop Parvo and the other initiatives we are working on.
- Help raise awareness of our important work.
- Register now at www.pawsforapurpose.org/news to get our updates.
- Be the first to hear about our successes and our progress!
#FOUR. Learn more about our work, let others know too
- Check out our website here to find out more about what we are doing to stop Parvo.
- We have some good information about our projects and we’d love you to share what you learn with other interested people.
- The best place to start is our page on how we are setting about Combatting Parvovirus.
# FIVE. Get Your Local Vet or Pet Store to Stock our Treats
- The more treats we can sell, the more we fund our work and raise awareness about Parvo!
- If your local pet reseller doesn’t yet stock our treats, we’d love your help getting them on board. They'll be interested to hear about us too.
- For details on reseller pricing, just ask your vet or pet store to email us on [email protected] or ring us on 1300 26 28 14
# SIX. Independently Resell our Treats, yourself!
- If you have a few dogs (you might be a breeder)
- If you have friends who have dogs, who might get treats off you for their pets
- If you are an owner of a pet store or vet clinic, or dog groomer, or somewhere else with lots of clients that have dogs
- Then why not sign on as a reseller of the treats, yourself.
- You only need to buy 12 packets at a time to qualify for our wholesale discount and free shipping.
- Send us an email and we'll let you know more details!
#SEVEN. Follow us on Facebook
- Just by you following us on Facebook, not only will you hear the important information we share, but social media will spread our messages to others too.
- See all the photos of our vaccination clinics, and other progress that’s too much for our e-newsletter.
- You can also share our posts to help raise awareness about Parvo and our projects as well.
- Please do invite your pet-loving Facebook friends to also like our page!
#EIGHT. Help us find sponsors who are keen to support us
- Do you know of corporate sponsors who might want to help our cause?
- We have big projects coming up that still need funding.
- We are also looking to expand our team (currently we have no paid staff) but we are short on funds.
- If you know any people or organisations who might be passionate about saving puppies, and wanting to help us financially to give us a hand, please put them in contact with us!
# NINE. Please donate if you can help financially
- We are so grateful to the individual donors who are supporting our efforts to stop Parvo by donating, including recurring donations.
- If you feel passionate about what we are doing, but only need so many packets of dog treats, then we are really thankful if you are able to donate either once off, or as a regular donor.
- Donations can be made from our donations page
- Or if you’d like to organise and manage a fundraising event in aid of our cause, or do a fun-run and raise money for us, then please do get in touch.
# TEN. Got skills to offer? Can you volunteer your services?
- If you are skilled in any area and have time to give
- If you are action-orientated and results-driven
- Particularly if you like to manage projects and are able to create and lead projects
- Then why not reach out to us and see if we can use your services?
- Come join our team of skilled volunteers working on various projects to save puppies from Parvo.
- We’d love to have your assistance if you have skills to offer.
- Send us an email and let us know how you can help.
Feel free to choose one or more of the options above!
(We actually have more ways you can help, coming up, so stay tuned.)
Thanks so much for your support!
(We actually have more ways you can help, coming up, so stay tuned.)
Thanks so much for your support!